Saturday, December 4, 2010

boyfriend vs. friends

,,why there are persons who act as if they really owned the persons they love,,sometimes their going to ask you questions like "who's important to you me or your friends!?".....those persons who always ask that kind of question has a low's so funny to think that there are persons who allow their partner to act like that...

,,for me friends is very important...can you live without friends???,,it's hard to enjoy life without friends..what if you have problems that you don't want to tell your family or to your boyfriend then you don't have friends to lean on so what are you going to do???hurt yourself by doing everything that can hurt you and cry all alone...duh!!!

,,friends always stay at your side and support you in all aspects of your life..there are times that you don't have to  pay all your attention on your partner,,you must know that there are still friends that are waiting for your attention but sometimes you must observe all the things that surrounds you,,if you think there's a problem between you and your friends try to think first of a possible reason why are they acting like that and don't wait them to confront you if your not ready to listen on their reason...being hurt by your friends is normal but they are doing that kind of confrontation for your sake...

,,don't be so obsess to your partner it's not good,,it can damage or change your whole life..make sure that you still have love to yourself and to your friends...FRIENDS always there not to hurt you but to help you to correct your mistakes and help you if you needed them...BOYFRIEND is a person that will love you but your not sure if he will stay for you forever unlike FRIENDS whatever happens they always stay beside you...

,,learn to manage your time and attention to your friends and boyfriend....:)

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